Jackie Schmaltz
Abundant Homestead Book Pre-Launch! 
Over the years I've developed a love for growing my own food, making meals from scratch, and enjoying a self-sustaining family life on a farm. I've gotten quite good at producing high yields in the garden and have learned the best ways to store, preserve, and use the abundant yields of the homestead, all while still making time to run the kids to sports and activities, and living an overall good life. 

In an effort to ease the feeling of overwhelm in burnout I see so common in the homesteading world, I have put together a collection of my most practical ways of storing, preserving, and using the things we harvest from our own homestead that don't take so much time, money and effort, so you too can enjoy the other parts of life without compromising your home-made standards.

Topics include the garden, orchard, home dairy, meats, baking, and farm-to-table meals, with a few other DIY's for home and health tucked in. 

No more wasting time paging through all your recipe books and boxes or scouring the internet for your next Pinterest or YouTube fail. The index in the back of the book makes it super easy to search for recipes by ingredient, so you can find inspiration fast when you're looking to use something up.

You can be the first to be notified when this book is released by simply entering your name and email in the box. 

You can also find my practical homesteading tips for busy families on Facebook by clicking right HERE. See you in there! 

Abundant Homestead Book Pre-Launch! 
Over the years I've developed a love for growing my own food, making meals from scratch, and enjoying a self-sustaining family life on a farm. I've gotten quite good at producing high yields in the garden and have learned the best ways to store, preserve, and use the abundant yields of the homestead, all while still making time to run the kids to sports and activities, and living an overall good life. 

In an effort to ease the feeling of overwhelm in burnout I see so common in the homesteading world, I have put together a collection of my most practical ways of storing, preserving, and using the things we harvest from our own homestead that don't take so much time, money and effort, so you too can enjoy the other parts of life without compromising your home-made standards.

Topics include the garden, orchard, home dairy, meats, baking, and farm-to-table meals, with a few other DIY's for home and health tucked in. 

No more wasting time paging through all your recipe books and boxes or scouring the internet for your next Pinterest or YouTube fail. The index in the back of the book makes it super easy to search for recipes by ingredient, so you can find inspiration fast when you're looking to use something up.

You can be the first to be notified when this book is released by simply entering your name and email in the box. 

You can also find my practical homesteading tips for busy families on Facebook by clicking right HERE. See you in there! 

Get on the launch list!

Meet Jackie Schmaltz

Hi! I'm Jackie Schmaltz, a ND farm wife, mom of 3, entrepreneur and wellness enthusiast. I love helping other moms live their healthiest, happiest, purpose-driven, best lives ever; even when they think they're too overwhelmed and busy. I have already helped thousands achieve this, and I'm ready to help you!

When I look back on my own journey that started 10 years ago and remember where I was and the struggles I was dealing with daily…..low energy, sick all the time, super bad digestive issues like chronic constipation and serious stomach pains, and oh yeah…I was broke too. 😉 But then something amazing happened….I found a solution….a better way of doing life! Along this journey I got pregnant with my first child (on purpose). And as any mother knows…..you want to do everything in your power to give your child the best life possible. So for me, that meant taking my health seriously and getting my bank account on track too (without having to get a "real job"). That was 10 years ago and friends, I have NOT looked back since!

Through lots of trial and error (and A LOT of reading and mentorship!), along with implementing some key principles into my everyday routine….I finally figured out what worked for ME and how I want to live. And now? Well let's just say it's a whole new ballgame……..my energy is through the roof most days, my digestion is 100% normal (no more pain!!), AND……..I've even managed to get out of debt and live financially independent in case something were to ever happen to my husband. So believe me when I say: it IS possible to find YOUR savvy life……you just need someone who has been there before to help guide you on your journey!
