You’ve been on some form of birth control/contraceptive for long enough and you’ve decided you’ve had enough. You’re done with the mood swings, depression, lack of libido, weight gain, abnormal bleeding, pain, and you just want your body back.
You’re probably thinking….
But how do I do it?
What happens next?
Will I get pregnant?
What is my body going to go through?
All of these questions are running through your mind and you’re SCARED!
Scared of the unknown.
Scared of what happens next.
You start looking into other options, but there is so much information out there. You’re not sure where to go with those either!
Do I use condoms?
Maybe I’ll just stop having sex altogether, that sounds safe! (although no fun!)
Does this sound like you?
This is what A LOT of women go through when they realize it’s time to come off birth control for whatever reason, be it sick of side effects or ready to start a family, the journey can be SCARY!
The good news is… it doesn’t have to be!