How to Make Almond Milk & Why

How to Make Almond Milk & Why
Discover how easy and cost-effective it is to make your own almond milk in this blog post. With the skyrocketing prices of store-bought almond milks, making your own is a smart alternative. Not only does it save you money, but it also allows you to control the ingredients. Unlike commercial almond milks loaded with additives and sugars, homemade almond milk is a healthy and clean option. It is lower in calories and carbs, higher in calcium, and has less inflammatory effects than dairy milk. Plus, it's super easy to make! Simply soak raw almonds, blend them with filtered water, strain, and enjoy. Consider adding vanilla extract or natural sweeteners like dates or honey for added flavor. Use your homemade almond milk in cereal, baking recipes, coffee, smoothies, and more. Don't forget to save the solids for recipes. Join the online community for more savvy swaps like this one. Start making your own almond milk today and experience the benefits.

Paleo Almond Balls

Paleo Almond Balls
In the journey to maintain a healthy lifestyle for both me and my family, I share how substituting traditional desserts with healthier options can significantly affect one's well-being. Through my own personal struggle with gut issues, I have discovered recipes like these delightful Almond Balls, which not only cater to dietary preferences like gluten-free, dairy-free, and sugar-free but also prove that healthy eating doesn't have to compromise on taste. These Almond Balls are a testament to dessert recipes that are not only nutritious but also delicious, fitting into a variety of diets including Paleo and vegan.

The recipe provided for Almond Balls is simple and made with ingredients like almond flour, coconut oil, and vanilla extract for the filling, and cocoa nibs or chocolate chips for the chocolate coating. This dessert option showcases that satisfying a sweet tooth can still align with healthy eating habits. The suggestion to add natural sweeteners for those who prefer a sweeter taste, maintaining the dessert's health benefits, reflects a flexible approach to health-conscious desserts.

Furthermore, I highlight the positive impacts of participating in an 11-Day Jumpstart, emphasizing how it has revolutionized my health by reducing inflammation, increasing energy levels, and aiding in weight loss. This experience, along with the success of incorporating healthy desserts into my family's diet, encapsulates the broader message of making health-focused changes that are both achievable and enjoyable. The encouragement to join the Swap It Savvy community extends an invitation to others seeking a supportive environment for making healthier lifestyle choices.

How to Drink More Water: without having to pee constantly or feel water logged

How to Drink More Water: without having to pee constantly or feel water logged
Hydration is a key component of our health and well-being, impacting everything from our physical condition to our mental state. Recognizing that each body has unique needs, it's vital to understand how much water you should be consuming daily, which can vary based on individual factors such as activity level and overall health. Adding dietary supplements approved for hydration, like certain essential oils or antioxidant juices, can enhance the taste of water and contribute positively to our hydration goals, making the experience enjoyable and refreshing.

To ensure that our bodies effectively use the water we consume, adding minerals and electrolytes can be a game-changer, especially for those who feel thirsty even after drinking ample amounts of water. These hydration enhancers play a crucial role in cellular nourishment and preventing the overwhelming of our systems, by guiding water to where it's most needed. Opting for clean, quality products without artificial additives is crucial for achieving deep and lasting hydration, with recommended options like vitality drops and ionized mineral supplements that can be mixed with antioxidant-rich juices.

Moreover, addressing concerns like frequent trips to the bathroom post-hydration, suggests looking into our digestive health as a potential underlying issue. A gentle colon scrub, as opposed to harsh cleanses, can significantly improve our body's water absorption efficiency. This holistic approach to hydration emphasizes the importance of listening to our bodies and making adjustments that go beyond just increasing water intake, ensuring that our hydration efforts are truly beneficial and support our overall health and well-being.

The Health Crisis That is Effecting Everyone, But No One is Talking About

Did you know there is a health crisis in our world caused by these microscopic organisms that are often overlooked by doctors, yet they can lead to auto-immune diseases, cancer, mental health problems, and more. Research suggests that one in three people may be infected. They cause inflammation and steal nutrients from your body. From weight gain to irregular sleeping patterns to mood changes, these little nasties can wreak havoc on your health. If you want to safely eliminate parasites from your body, there is a free program available to guide you through the process. Just join the Swap It Savvy group and say, "I want parasites GONE!" Let's get rid of these creepy crawlies and restore our health!

Hormone Balancing Power of the Sweet Potato

Hormone Balancing Power of the Sweet Potato
So, ever since I started doing 11 Day Jumpstarts , an 11-day protocol that trains the body to flush inflammation, leaving you feeling energized and amazing while weight falls off, I’ve been turned on to sweet potatoes. Pretty sure they are my new favorite food.

And then I discovered why my body craves them so much this week. Wanna know? Read the Blog.

I'll give you a has to do with my cycle. 

Discover the Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes | Busy Women's Wellness

Discover the Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes

An insightful exploration of the amazing health benefits of sweet potatoes and why they're essential for busy women seeking sustainable energy and wellness.

Lower Glycemic Response

Sweet potatoes offer a lower glycemic response compared to regular potatoes, making them ideal for maintaining steady blood glucose levels and sustainable energy throughout the day.

Join our community for more savvy life hacks and wellness wisdom!

How to lower Testosterone levels for Women

How to lower Testosterone levels for Women
High testosterone levels in women can cause problematic symptoms. Learn how you can lower your testosterone naturally and help restore balance to your hormones.

High testosterone levels in women can wreak havoc on both physical and emotional well-being. While it's important to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan, there are simple natural lifestyle adjustments that can support hormonal balance. In this blog, we will explore ways to lower and support healthy testosterone levels for women, naturally.

Symptoms of high testosterone in women can include any of the following:
  • Darker, thicker facial hair
  • acne
  • irregular menstrual cycles
  • hair loss 
Some of the causes of higher-than-normal testosterone levels in women could include ovarian cysts, PCOS, hormonal contraception, or hormonal replacement therapy drugs.

Natural ways to lower testosterone and keep hormones balanced.
Hormonal balance relies heavily on a few common health practices.

1. Keeping the 3 main pathways of elimination open with a focus on gut health, liver cleansing, and lymphatic care. Part of this process is reducing your exposure to everyday toxins such as fragrance, household cleaners, pthalates, parabens, etc. to stop gumming up those pathways with junk we can avoid, so they can freely clear out the junk we can’t avoid. Check out some of my natural cleaning tips HERE.

2. Supporting the body with good whole food nutrition so it has the tools it needs to make the repairs and run the body as it was designed to run. Your car can’t run with dirty oil and watered-down gas, and your body won’t run smoothly with processed garbage, caffeine, and soft drinks. Keep reading for some testosterone-lowering go-to's.

3. Healthy physical activity to keep things flowing. Our blood flow has a pump (the heart) to move it along, but lymph does not. Lymph is like the underground sewage system that filters everything our skin comes into contact with, and it needs motion to move it on out. Furthermore, a sedentary lifestyle allows opportunity for fat cells to form. Fat cells get in the way of a happy hormonal balance in many ways, and it's a real drag to carry around. Go for a walk! 

The below protocol addresses all of this.

FemiGen™ is a women’s balancing supplement that is my go-to for every female problem because I see the most results with it for cycle-related problems in my clients and family. I use this one myself daily, and regret it when I don’t. One of the main active ingredients is Licorice root which has shown in studies to reduce testosterone levels in women by 32% after one menstrual cycle, and men showed a decrease of 26% in just one week.

Omega Greens™ is another hormonal balancing staple. We need omegas to use the hormones properly. I find using Omega Greens™ further enhances my results with FemiGen™ when taken together. Studies have linked omega-3 fatty acids to decreasing testosterone.

Spearmint Essential oil when given to rats for 20 days resulted in reduced testosterone levels. I would add a drop of spearmint essential oil that is approved for internal use such as THIS ONE, to a 2-oz shot of this antioxidant-rich health juice called, Ningxia Red™. Ningxia Red™ is a superfood drink that flushes inflammation from the body, supports liver and kidney cleansing, and has the nutritional profile like none other for a whole-body health infusion. It is a daily staple to our health routine.

ICP™ to support colon clearing. It also has plant compounds that bind to testosterone to carry it out of the body and omega-3 fatty acids for the benefits listed above. If you want to supercharge the benefits of a clean colon, check out this article HERE

Walnuts and Almonds increase a protein that binds to testosterone, leading to a decrease in levels of free testosterone in the body. 
Flax seed can be added to almost anything including salads, smoothies, and oatmeal.

The WAVwatch, a sound wave therapy device that is a cutting-edge frequency healing technique that offers personalized healing sessions, targeting specific areas of the body and mind for optimal results, wherever and whenever you need. It uses specific sounds to assist the body in the re-tuning and re-alignment of bodily energy. It is the same technique doctors use in blasting kidney stones and some resonance imaging, only the WAVwatch uses specific frequencies to address specific issues. This personalized approach allows users to address their unique needs and experience the full benefits of sound healing in the convenience of a watchSet the watch to the hormone balancing soundtracks, sit back and relax. It comes with a 14-day money back guarantee to allow users to try it out risk free, but I assure you, you won’t want to give it up once you experience it. I have seen this watch work wonders in my own family and the many friends and clients I have shared it with. Use promo code SAVY100 to get $100 off. Check out more info, science and testimonies HERE

Remember, while high testosterone levels can be problematic, it's entirely possible to restore balance naturally. With a holistic approach and incorporating natural remedies with a few lifestyle adjustments, you can easily support your journey towards hormonal balance. Embrace the power of an integrative approach and unlock the path to wellness by grabbing all the nutritional tools HERE, so you can make this your healthiest year yet.  Oh and use promo code SHAREYL for 10% off your purchase. 

Be well friend! 


Some links may be affiliate links. See full disclosure here. 

My Best tips for stopping a panic attack fast: part 3

My Best tips for stopping a panic attack fast: part 3
This is part 3 to a 3-part series of practical tools to help you or your child cope with anxiety and panic disorder. Anxiety disorders take many forms and are prevalent in Americans, impacting 19% of adults and 7% of children. As a mom who understands the challenges firsthand, I want to share the most effective strategies we've discovered so you can find the support you need to navigate anxiety with confidence.

Anxiety is defined as the persistent, excessive fear or worry in situations that are not threatening. Symptoms take many forms and can include subtle symptoms like jitters, upset stomach, feeling tense, nervous, jumpy, agitated, anticipating danger, headache, inability to sleep and much more. Or it can be an obvious symptom like panic, pounding heart, nervous sweat diarrhea or nausea.

I’ve already shared 2 of our favorite ways to cope with my daughter’s panic attacks, but what do we do when she’s not at home and her irrational fears start creeping in at school? I can’t send her to school with my $500 sound frequency device and she’d probably get in trouble if she started chanting prayers or affirmations in the middle of class, right?

Our next most useful tool or tools, are top grade essential oils. There have been many studies showing that essential oils are effective as a natural remedy for anxiety or panic. They work in different ways,

1. Aromatherapy; the scent-memory-emotion connection. Simply put, you smell something, it reminds you of something, you then have an emotion to it. Find calming scents you love like lavender or vanilla.

2. They increase serotonin, a happy, feel-good hormone. Essential oils have been scientifically proven to significantly increase serotonin levels in the brain, and some decrease cortisol, the stress hormone.

3. At a deeper level, a top quality essential oil that still has its therapeutic properties intact because it was farmed organically, created in nature not in a lab, distilled properly, and has no added fillers to destroy its thousands of medicinal constituents work at a cellular level, restoring faulty DNA programming caused by unprocessed emotions during a past experience we had, with restored perfect programming. Obviously this is an extensive topic too deep for a blog, but I have spent several years studying in this area of emotional effects and clearing. It’s legit. Medicinal properties at a cellular level will only happen with the best of the best essential oils though. This is why knowing the source of your oil matters and a $5 bottle at Walmart will not do. Visit the only brand I will use HERE. Use promo code SHAREYL to get an extra 10% off. 

What and how do we use them?
The “how” is extremely easy. You can….

1. Diffuse them into the air with a diffuser or 4 oz spray bottle, using 5-10 drops of the oil.
2. Create a diluted roller to apply to your wrists, neck, shoulders, inhale. I like the 10mL size with 15-20 drops and a carrier oil such as V6® or sweet almond oil.
3. Let a few drops fall from the bottle into your palms, rub your palms together, then place your hands close to your nose, take 3 deep breathes inhaling the aroma. Be mindful of what you are feeling during this process. Does something in the body stir or shift? These are clues to be addressed of health and/or emotional matters. I then hit up my resource books to find the source of these issues so they can be cleared completely and forever. (off topic, I’d love to teach you how to do this, so reach out to me if you’d like to learn).

Now the what. 
What oils to use is a little more complicated only because there are so many choices and every person’s body, source of trouble, and reactions are different. Just know, you can't use the "wrong" oil, just maybe not the specific oil your body will react to best. Here are the most popular choices to get you started. 

1. Lavender. Lavender is probably the most well-known essential oil for calming and sleep. A quick Google search will show you it has been involved in several studies that have all concluded it to be beneficial. It is also widely available. Which means it is often a synthetic copycat version, so be careful about your source of this oil. Adulterated or perfume grade oil will have no physical effect, and only a slight emotional effect if you have a pleasant memory attached to the scent (aromatherapy) and are not sensitive to synthetic fragrance. If you want results, you need a true lavandula augustifolia that is unadulterated and properly distilled like THIS ONE.

2. Roman Chamomile is another widely known herb for its calming properties. The essential oil is even better. I actually like to pair this with my lavender for a less earthy scent. In fact, any of these oils I’m listing can be blended together in your own personal roller or diffuser blend.

3. Clary Sage has been scientifically proven to significantly increase serotonin levels and decrease cortisol levels *. People who are anxious often have low levels of serotonin and high cortisol levels. When serotonin is released, it makes you feel good. Cortisol is a hormone that’s secreted during stressful situations, so decreasing cortisol might help with your anxiety. 

4. Another cortisol stopping essential oil favorite is a trademarked blend from Young Living called Stress Away®. It literally melts the stress away, and smell soooo goooood.  

5. There are sedative oils like vetiver and valerian that can calm those anxious feelings and put you in a type of zen-chill mind. My favorite is a blend of these called RutaVala®.

This is just a short list of MANY essential oils that have calming effects. Sometimes the endless options can lead us to indecisive inaction. Meaning, we can’t decide what to use so we don’t use anything at all. That my friends is not helping you. At the very least, close your eyes and pick something. 

As someone who has a HUGE collection of essential oils, I often struggle with the overwhelm of what to use. I have another tool that is a health assessment bio scanner to help me out with this. It literally asks my body what it needs in the moment, and I get a report of body systems and emotions that are experiencing stress and a list of favorable products to support these problem areas. This valuable tool is super inexpensive (only $10/month) and has been a life savor for me as a mom dealing with babies who can’t always tell me what’s wrong. I have been using it for 11 years and I can vouch for its accuracy. It’s a little handheld device that runs from your smart phone. Super easy to use. You can learn more about it HERE. And later I’ll be sharing an incredible video of how oils and the iTovi squashed a panic attack instantly. Be sure to subscribe below so you don’t miss it.

There you have it. My top 3 best tools for anxiety and panic,
3. Essential oils

I hope this empowers you to take control of your emotions and stay on the path to living the savvy life!
If you’d like more tips on living better, join our community of savvy people HERE. We’d love to have you!

Some links may be affiliate links. See full disclosure here. 

My Best Tips for Stopping a Panic Attack Fast: part 2.

My Best Tips for Stopping a Panic Attack Fast: part 2.
If you or a loved one are struggling with anxiety, fear, or panic, this blog series is here to help. I understand the challenges firsthand and share quick tips to navigate moments of panic. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, anxiety affects millions of Americans and 7% of children by age 21. This blog is meant to help parents dealing with a loved one suffering from anxiety without resorting to medication. I share stories and strategies that have worked for my family, aiming to provide reassurance and support for other parents on the frontlines of life. One tool we find helpful is a sound wave frequency device which has provided immediate comfort and control for my daughter during anxiety episodes. If you're interested, you can learn more about the device and even save $100 using the provided coupon code. Give these tips a try and see how they can make a difference in managing anxiety naturally.

A Natural Solution to Underarm Odor

A Natural Solution to Underarm Odor
Ladies, let's face it - we all struggle with the dreaded underarm odor. No matter how much we shower, how much or what kind of deodorant we use, it seems like we're always battling against stinky underarms. Well, fear not my friends because I have found the solution to all of our stinky problems…and it’s all-natural too.

When my favorite brand of natural deodorant went out of stock for forever, I was stuck searching for alternatives. I tried all the things and kept striking out. I even went back to my old toxic store brand. All that did was give me perfume-scented BO and a headache. *sad face*

FINALLY my favorite brand was back. I LOVED that deodorant, but I still noticed I had to apply it several times a day to control my stinky pits. I don’t have time for that! So my search continued.

A friend of mine suggested I try this unscented crystal deodorant she was using, so I did. WOW! Was I impressed! In one application to unshowered, already stinky pits, it neutralized my odor. I’ve been using it for a few weeks now, through some record high summer temps, on a farm, or at the pool, and not once have I smelled anything from my pits! I apply once in the morning. Showered or not. It’s impressive. I use clean, unadulterated essential oils for fragrance when I want a scent; a dab under my arms, on my wrists, and behind my ears. Creating an essential oil body spray like this one works great too.  

So, what exactly is natural crystal deodorant? It's a deodorant made from mineral salts. Unlike conventional deodorants, the crystal deodorant does not mask odor, it eliminates it by forming an alkaline barrier that prevents odor-causing bacteria from forming. You can say goodbye to the headache-inducing smells of powdery perfumes and fake scents and welcome clean, natural aromas.

Unscented crystal deodorants do NOT contain any harsh chemicals like traditional deodorants do that can irritate our skin and lead to health concerns such as breast cancer, Alzheimer's and kidney problems.

Crystal deodorant is super easy to apply. All you do is wet the salt crystal and glide it across your underarms. The salt will immediately begin to form a protective barrier that will last all day long. Unlike the gunky, white residue that sticks to your clothes, natural crystal deodorant dries clear, leaving no marks or stains.

Traditional antiperspirants plug sweat glands and prevents sweat from escaping. These antiperspirants can block pores and even make you sweat more when it wears off. A natural crystal deodorant can be used every day without risk of staining, irritation or the health risks of a congested lymphatic system leading to clogged lymph nodes and cancers.

It's simple. Natural crystal deodorants can stop odor in two ways: kill the bacteria that cause the smell and create a barrier to make it harder for bacteria to grow. The minerals in a crystal deodorant are alkaline, which helps to balance the pH level of your skin, making it more difficult for odor-causing bacteria to grow. To use it, just wet the crystal, apply to your underarms and let it dry. That's it.

How Long Does It Last?
The truth is it can last all day and keep you fresh. That’s why I made the switch to using it over my other brand that I love, but had to reapply often. Natural crystal deodorants can last longer than sticks and sprays, so you will find that you don’t spend as much money in the long-run or end up throwing half-used chemically-laden products into the trash.

Natural crystal deodorant is a better, safer and extremely effective alternative to chemical-laden deodorants and antiperspirants. They are long-lasting, eliminating the need for multiple applications throughout the day. I HIGHLY recommend you give it a try. You might just find yourself saying goodbye to underarm odor for good…like I have.

Be well my friend!

By the way….if you like healthy alternatives like this, check out our community of savvy women sharing healthy alternatives to our favorite everyday life essentials on Facebook: Swap It Savvy.

Some links may be affiliate links. See full disclosure here. 

9 Ways to Naturally Repel Mosquitoes without Toxic Chemicals.

9 Ways to Naturally Repel Mosquitoes without Toxic Chemicals.
Summer is here, and with it comes the challenge of dealing with mosquitoes. However, there's no need to use toxic bug sprays that leave behind unpleasant residue. Instead, these solutions provide an effective, natural way to repel mosquitoes without harming your health and leaving you feel sticky and stinky with pesticide. 

Incorporating these natural solutions into your lifestyle ensures that you can enjoy your time outdoors without worries or compromising your health. Read about these tips and then join the Swap It Savvy Facebook community to learn more about incorporating natural solutions into your everyday life.
Outdoor Living, Essential Oils, DIY Mosquito Repellent, Natural Mosquito Repellent, Mosquito Repellent

Savvy Mama's Natural Wound Care

Savvy Mama's Natural Wound Care
I am SO impressed with how this cut progressed!
 This is my son's thumb. He's a man's man and in true 9-year-old-farm-boy fashion was working on a "project" with a pocket knife. He knows proper knife etiquette, but sometimes things just happen.
I could tell he was scared with all the blood gushing from it, but he was a trooper and let me work my mommy magic.
 I reached for the bottle of lavender essential oil that is always close by and let a drop fall directly on the cut. Within minutes it stopped bleeding so I could finally get a glimpse of how bad it looked (photo 1)…not as bad as I was thinking it was from the trail of blood he left on my beige carpet.

I put a drop of Helichrysum essential oil directly on the cut, and then I applied some of Young Living’s Rose Ointment to the band aid pads settling them directly on the cut, wrapped a layer of gauze around it, and a layer of self-adhesive bandage wrap around that. (My background of wrapping horse cuts coming in handy here).

I then went to work on the blood stained- carpet with my Thieves Household cleaner and a microfiber cloth. Thankfully the blood lifted right out without a trace left behind.

2. Next morning I was expecting a throbbing, swollen, red thumb and sad little boy. What I got was a tough guy that said it didn’t hurt, but an ugly looking cut that probably should have had stitches. No redness or swelling, or signs of infection. I figured it would take about 3 weeks for this to even start to close up given the placement of the cut on a mobile joint and the activity level of a 9-year-old farm boy.

He kept it wrapped during the day and each evening after supper he would unwrap it to let it air out. Before bed we let a drop of Helichrysum fall directly on the cut and put a good amount of Rose Ointment on the band aid pads so that it would squish into the cut. Wrapped it in a thin layer of gauze and a bit of self adhesive bandage wrap.

You can see by the pictures it progressed extremely well. I was astonished to see it closed up within days not weeks. It never had any redness or swelling. It never bled beyond that first night. He never complained of pain unless someone at school bumped it. He’ll likely have a scar, but I would have never thought it would be completely closed WITH NEW SKIN within just 7 days without stitches. That’s the power of essential oils.

Do some research on helichrysum and you’ll find that the plant has incredible healing powers. If it loses a limb it will grow a new one in just 7 days. That’s why I chose to use it in this predicament. The Rose Ointment also has healing oils such as tea tree and myrrh and was key to keeping the skin pliable so it didn’t crack open.

I am forever grateful for these gifts of nature. I hope you never need to use these tips, but if you do….I am confident that you will have as good of luck as we had with quick healing.

These items are staples in our home and first aid kits. I have created a QUICK LINK for you to find them easily in case you’d like to add them to yours.  

Be well and rest easy mama! You’ve got this!  
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The Most Valuable player in the game of reducing inflammation

The Most Valuable player in the game of reducing inflammation

 We all know that inflammation can be a real pain and is the root cause of all life’s physical discomforts. It’s hard to stay on top of your life when you’re dealing with the discomfort and stress of inflammation. But luckily, there’s an easy solution: NingXia Red™! This powerful blend of wolfberries, aronia cherries, blueberries, and other superfruits is the perfect way to reduce inflammation and get back to feeling like yourself again.

What Makes NingXia Red™ So Special?                   
NingXia Red™ is made from 100% pure and natural ingredients. The whole-fruit puree’ of the Ningxia wolfberry that is the main ingredient in Ningxia Red™ contains high levels of antioxidants, vitamins A and C, amino acids, essential fatty acids, iron, and minerals. Ningxia Red™ is free from preservatives or added sugars. That means you can trust that what you’re getting is safe and effective for reducing inflammation naturally.                                                                                                                                                  
It Gets Better!                                                                                        
Not only does NingXia Red™ reduce inflammation naturally but it also boosts your energy levels so that you can tackle your day with confidence. And the best part? NingXia Red™ comes in a convenient 2-ounce sachet so that you can take it wherever life takes you! Whether you’re heading to work or out for an adventure in the great outdoors, you won’t have to worry about lugging around big bottles of juice or supplements—just grab a pouch of NingXia Red™ and go!
But That's Not All...                 
NingXia Red™ has many more tricks up its sleeve: it helps support healthy brain function and cognitive performance! Thanks to its antioxidant-rich formula, NingXia Red™ helps protect your brain cells against oxidative stress while promoting healthy circulation throughout your body. So while NingXia Red™ reduces inflammation and boosts energy levels, it also works behind the scenes to keep your brain functioning optimally so that no matter how busy life gets—you know you have an extra layer of protection keeping everything running smoothly!
Reducing inflammation doesn't have to be complicated or time consuming—all it takes is one small pouch of deliciousness (aka NingXia Red™!) For an easy way to look after yourself each day—and fight off pesky inflammation at the same time—look no further than this superfruit blend from Young Living®. With its combination of powerful antioxidants and natural whole-food nutrition, plus added benefits for both energy and brain health—NingXia Red™ really does have it all! So if reducing inflammation is the name of the game then make sure to put this star player on your team today. You won't regret it!

Jump into our NingXia Red™ challenge today, where we share fun and delicious ways to enjoy our daily dose of NingXia, share our experiences with it, and gain more education about the MANY benefits of this powerful superfood. Challenge officially kicks off February 16th, so grab your NingXia today so you’re ready!
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