I am SO impressed with how this cut progressed!
This is my son's thumb. He's a man's man and in true 9-year-old-farm-boy fashion was working on a "project" with a pocket knife. He knows proper knife etiquette, but sometimes things just happen.
This is my son's thumb. He's a man's man and in true 9-year-old-farm-boy fashion was working on a "project" with a pocket knife. He knows proper knife etiquette, but sometimes things just happen.
I could tell he was scared with all the blood gushing from it, but he was a trooper and let me work my mommy magic.
I reached for the bottle of lavender essential oil that is always close by and let a drop fall directly on the cut. Within minutes it stopped bleeding so I could finally get a glimpse of how bad it looked (photo 1)…not as bad as I was thinking it was from the trail of blood he left on my beige carpet.
I reached for the bottle of lavender essential oil that is always close by and let a drop fall directly on the cut. Within minutes it stopped bleeding so I could finally get a glimpse of how bad it looked (photo 1)…not as bad as I was thinking it was from the trail of blood he left on my beige carpet.
I put a drop of Helichrysum essential oil directly on the cut, and then I applied some of Young Living’s Rose Ointment to the band aid pads settling them directly on the cut, wrapped a layer of gauze around it, and a layer of self-adhesive bandage wrap around that. (My background of wrapping horse cuts coming in handy here).
I then went to work on the blood stained- carpet with my Thieves Household cleaner and a microfiber cloth. Thankfully the blood lifted right out without a trace left behind.
2. Next morning I was expecting a throbbing, swollen, red thumb and sad little boy. What I got was a tough guy that said it didn’t hurt, but an ugly looking cut that probably should have had stitches. No redness or swelling, or signs of infection. I figured it would take about 3 weeks for this to even start to close up given the placement of the cut on a mobile joint and the activity level of a 9-year-old farm boy.
He kept it wrapped during the day and each evening after supper he would unwrap it to let it air out. Before bed we let a drop of Helichrysum fall directly on the cut and put a good amount of Rose Ointment on the band aid pads so that it would squish into the cut. Wrapped it in a thin layer of gauze and a bit of self adhesive bandage wrap.
You can see by the pictures it progressed extremely well. I was astonished to see it closed up within days not weeks. It never had any redness or swelling. It never bled beyond that first night. He never complained of pain unless someone at school bumped it. He’ll likely have a scar, but I would have never thought it would be completely closed WITH NEW SKIN within just 7 days without stitches. That’s the power of essential oils.
Do some research on helichrysum and you’ll find that the plant has incredible healing powers. If it loses a limb it will grow a new one in just 7 days. That’s why I chose to use it in this predicament. The Rose Ointment also has healing oils such as tea tree and myrrh and was key to keeping the skin pliable so it didn’t crack open.
I am forever grateful for these gifts of nature. I hope you never need to use these tips, but if you do….I am confident that you will have as good of luck as we had with quick healing.
These items are staples in our home and first aid kits. I have created a QUICK LINK for you to find them easily in case you’d like to add them to yours.
Be well and rest easy mama! You’ve got this!
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