With so much to manage on a farm, keeping your animal records often becomes unorganized and lackluster. Keeping records on each animal's health, breeding, and medications is crucial to maintaining a healthy and happy flock and mastering your breeding program. However, traditional pen and paper methods can be difficult to keep organized and easily accessible…even lost. This is where these digital spreadsheets come in – offering a streamlined and efficient way to keep track of your sheep records from wherever you’re at.
Benefits of keeping digital records….
1. Simplify Record Keeping
Digital spreadsheets are multi-functional and can be customized to fit your individual sheep record keeping needs. You can easily modify fields to track whatever information is necessary to meet your farm's needs. From lambing dates, weights, and health history, to vaccination and medication schedules, everything is all in one place. The beauty of these digital spreadsheets is that they're easy to update and share with farmhands or veterinarians. This way, you can record data in real-time, keeping everyone you choose to give access in the loop.
2. Analyze Data
Digital spreadsheets can also offer useful insights into your flock's performance. By aggregating data on wool production, lambing dates, and breeding success rates, you can make informed decisions on breeding and culling practices. With the power of data analysis at your fingertips, you can ensure your flock is as productive as possible and your breeding seasons run smoothly with less complications.
3. Time-Saving
Pen and paper record keeping is a tedious process when you’re looking for a specific animal or detail. Transferring paper records onto a computer spreadsheet where you can do a search for these things takes extra time. These Spreadsheets will save you time, reduce frustration, and free up more of your valuable resources.
4. Cost-Effective
Unlike custom-made software that can be expensive, these digital spreadsheets offer a low-cost alternative for tracking and managing sheep records. They're also less complicated than some other farm management software on the market. If you can run Microsoft Excel or Google sheets at their simplest functions, you can manage these spreadsheets, and these digital spreadsheets come with a complete lesson on how to use them.
5. Secure and Accessible
One of the best aspects of these digital spreadsheets is the access you have to them along with the security they offer. With saved files in the cloud, you can access them from anywhere or any device with an internet connection, making it easy to share files with other farmworkers who have the link as well. They're also more secure than handwritten notes as they can be password-protected and can only be accessed by those authorized to do so.
Keeping track of sheep records can be a daunting task for farm operators. However, these digital spreadsheets could be the solution you need to streamline the record keeping process. With its convenience, time-saving, cost-effective nature, and overall effectiveness, you can ensure that sheep record keeping on your farm is smooth and efficient. Customize each field to track only what you want and make record keeping a breeze. These spreadsheets come with complete instructions on how to access them from any device, do simple data entry, customize fields, expand existing pages, and add new pages, so anyone can easily use this system regardless how “tech-savvy” they are.
Grab your spreadsheets HERE so you too can have an easy and convenient system for keeping track of your sheep program records.
If you'd like to connect with us on FB, follow our page, Schmaltz Ranch or join my group for farm wives here.
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If you’re feeling burnout in your business, don’t worry….you’re not alone. Burnout is that feeling when you’re ready to quit. You’ve had enough, you’re tired, overwhelmed, and you just feel like you cannot continue. You want to be done. There can be many reasons you feel this way, and it is totally normal. Statistically entrepreneurs go through burnout every 90 days, but I think it should be less often, so here is my best tip to ensure you make it THROUGH the season of burnout and don’t let it shut you down.
Focus on impact.
Impact is your best motivator. Think about why you started your business in the first place? What does your business fulfill in you? What are your goals with your business? But dig deep. It can’t just be to make money. Money never satisfies anyone.
It can’t just be “to feed my family.” That’s virtuous enough, but it won’t always be strong enough to see you through the rough patches. You’ll forget what it’s like to struggle with feeding the family. I’m talkin huge impact, life-changing, motivators.
I just did an interview for our local newspaper about a Scripture-themed coloring book for women I published. When they asked me to do the interview, I thought “wow, they must be hard up for a story. How is a coloring book going to be interesting enough to put in the paper?” I told the reporter to go ahead and email me his questions and we’ll see if he finds my answers interesting enough for an interview and story. His questions were great. They were like what is Savvy Living and how does it help people, and what inspired me to create this coloring book, and what inspired my designs and theme. They really made me get in touch with the deep-down meaning of my business and the book. It wasn’t just a fun crafty idea I threw together. At its heart, it was a tool to help women accomplish a moment of quite, stress relief, and relaxation for better mental and physical health. It was a tool for the busy mom to nurture her relationship with the kids by helping her remain present in the moment instead of thinking about the laundry she could be folding instead of coloring with the kids. And it’s an invitation to give her relationship with God a little more attention, spending more time in prayer.
It was so much more than just a pacifying coloring book, but I lost that meaning somewhere over time. I forgot how impactful such a simple thing could be for someone. Getting back in touch with the “why” behind the book and the impact I can have on the world through it sparked a strong motivation in me to get creating MORE.
So my best tip for you my burnt out friend is this….
When you’re feeling overwhelmed and ready to quit, dig deep and think about all the good you’re doing for people because the world needs all the help it can get. If you quit, we won’t have your gifts creating a positive impact to offset the negatives….and that would be a shame. The world is a better place because you’re in it. Make the most of your time here and keep up the good work.
P.S. if you’re feeling burnt out because you feel like you’re spinning your wheels and getting nowhere, it’s likely you just need a new strategy or a fresh way to promote your business. Shoot me a message and let’s talk!
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It doesn’t matter what business you’re in…. you MUST understand these 3 things about your customer....
They are the Person, their Problem, their Passion.
All of which require you to understand their WHY’s before doing anything else.
Once you identify the why’s… their reasons… you can now relate and create an experience for your customer that literally speaks to them about purchasing your product, so you can start selling products that your customer actually wants, moving them down the path to what they NEED.
Allow me to explain deeper.
Having the mentality of “my product/service is for everyone” is a sure-fire way to stay stuck and speak to absolutely no one. You must drill down to a specific person when you write your message. How do you know who your person is? You could do a bunch of research that takes time, but if you follow my way of doing things your person is essentially you….that is, who you were back when you had the problem you are trying to solve for your person. When you build your business around a personal brand that is yourself, instead of building it around a business brand or product… it makes EVERYTHING easier…AND….you will attract people that are more inclined to like you. (In case you didn’t know, people like people who are like them).
You must identify a problem your person has that you can solve and create your content around it. The bigger the problem, the more success you are likely to have in getting the attention of your audience. This is why the 3 big markets are health, finances, and relationship and everything else is sub-market. Most people are struggling to some degree in each of these areas, and they are usually the cause of a lot of life’s stress. What is the problem your product/service can solve for someone in each of these 3 markets? What are the symptoms of this problem? What feelings does this problem create for your person?
What is your person passionate about? You see passion when a person sits up straight, they get that sparkle in their eyes and a smile on their face. They speak with emotion. What is important to your customer? What passions are being suppressed or affected by the problem they have? What does life look like for them when the problem is solved? How do they feel in that moment?
The details to everyone’s “why” are different, but we can usually pin it down to one major motivator….FREEDOM. Dig in to these questions. Journal them out until you really understand and resonate with your person. This is when you begin to think like them, act like them, and speak the way they speak. This is what will make them say, “you are speaking right to me!” which leads to….”I want to learn from you.” Or “I need that!” Without you having to embarrass yourself in a salesy email or direct message that serves no one.
The key to success lies in selecting one specific person as your focus when crafting your message. Being aware of who your person is, what their problem is, and what makes them passionate are three key elements to show your person exactly how your product or service is just the thing they’ve been looking for so they can make a move towards their form of FREEDOM.
I hope this sparked some “food for thought” for you. If you’re interested in more tips about how to make money from home as a mom, consider joining our community to get access to valuable resources and advice from other experienced entrepreneurs! I speak on these things quite frequently in there because they are typically that “IT THING” most people are missing in their marketing efforts. I created this community because I strongly believe that empowered women, empower women, but every other entrepreneurial group I’ve joined is nothing but a bunch of lions waiting to pounce on their prey with DM’s and fake friend requests. My group is truly a hang out place for other moms trying to create and/or run a business from home. Come hang out with us!
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Creating a digital product to sell online is a great way to get started in your home-business journey. It’s easy, cost-effective and you can be up and running in no time! Which means fast cash!
From ebooks and courses to shopping lists, recipes, and color sheets, there's something out there that fits your skillset - and with a bit of guidance, courage and determination, you can successfully launch your own home business.
In my FaceBook Group we're going to take a deep dive look at the different types of digital product ideas to help spark some inspiration for things you can make and sell that are almost total profit. I mean, when we can make money without spending it, that's what I call #Savvy amiright? You can join us HERE if that sounds interesting to you.
Digital products would be things like downloads, pdf's, templates, trello boards, check lists, workbooks, guides, online courses, or even ebooks. You can check out my 25 ideas blog for more inspiration.
The advantage to creating digital products to sell include.....
- No creation cost to you besides your time investment.
- You can make it evergreen; meaning once created, you can sell it over and over forever and ever.
- Flexible pricing opportunity to suit your specific intentions with it...ex) a freebie to build your email list, an e-book for $7-$20, all the way up to a high-ticket course worth thousands.
- Usually can be created in a short amount of time, meaning you can have a sellable product...aka...bringing in income, within a few minutes or hours.
Let's dive into the exciting world of digital products – it all starts in HERE on Monday, so if you've got friends who could use some extra cash flow coming in, invite them to the group and tag them too!
What are you most interested in learning how to create?
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Winter hasn’t even officially started yet and here we are just 3 inches shy of our annual snow fall, all snow days have been used up, and we are once again a 2-hour late start for school (because all of our snow days have been used). It’s been a great reminder to me of one of the main reasons I became my own boss, working my online business from home. Time freedom.
My heart goes out to the families who are left scrambling to make arrangements for their kids to accommodate this schedule change, to those who have no more sick pay or PTO to use. My prayers for the children who are unknowingly placed in unsafe situations (all the stories of child abuse by neighbors and such flooding my heart).
The motivation for my mission is strong today. My mission of helping other moms like me earn extra income online. To show them how to do what I do, so they too can have the time freedom of being there for their kids on a whim; watching every practice, game, and performance. Spending summer days at the pool or the lake or riding horse. Doing what we want. Our mantra is “see what we see, find what we find” and we love it.
Living this carefree lifestyle is only possible when the burden of being able to pay the bills and feed the family has been lifted. In these times living on a single income is becoming harder and harder.
My goal was always to remain financially independent from my husband in case something were to ever happen to him or his income, we could still live our carefree lifestyle and now I’m paying it forward by showing others how they too can fill in that financial gap without sacrificing their family and their time.
It starts with figuring out what you have to offer the world, and before you say “I have no skills and nothing to offer” I’m going to stop you because everyone has something to offer the world. You were created for a purpose, now let’s find that purpose.
I’d like to gift you this free workshop to help you find that purpose, and then invite you into my community of other moms making money from home to help you learn the system of how to turn your gifts into a purpose-driven online business so you too can live life with time freedom.
And jump into the group HERE
See you in there friend. It's time for change.
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