My Simple Strategy to Calm IBS Naturally.

My Simple Strategy to Calm IBS Naturally.
Do you struggle with IBS? You are not alone. Millions of people all over the world experience the symptoms that come along with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Though it can be a very challenging condition to manage and treat, there is hope for finding relief and calming IBS naturally. This post will share my own journey with IBS, an effective strategy for managing the symptoms, and how to practice self-care so you can feel your best!

I’ve been really focusing on taking care of myself these past few weeks as we’ve been really busy with calving and the normal day-to-day around here. The last thing I need is to be run down, sick, or in any sort of pain from my IBS. I’ve got a large toolbox for this, but today I’m going to share about a device that we are really loving here at the Ranch for all kinds of things, including my IBS. It's a soundwave frequency watch.

I learned about it from a friend who had a dramatic life-changing experience with the watch and her Belle's Palsy. Another friend found relief from carpal tunnel. These were just some of the examples of why I decided to try the device that looks like an oversized watch for myself.  When people ask me about it and I share what it does, everyone wants one. Here is just another reason why....

Last night I ran the Digestive folder. I set it to IBS and let it run through the whole list. My tummy wasn’t really bothering me too bad, just a little discomfort that is normal for me this time of night, especially on a day I eat donuts….which was yesterday.

Within minutes of turning the watch on, my tummy went from quiet and stagnant (the cause of the inflammation causing the mild pain I experience) to active and moving. Like it was just woke up from a nap and realized it had a job to do. It was very soothing to feel things start to gently move along. Not in a way that had me needing to go to the bathroom, but just in a soothing, comfortable way of healthy functioning digestion that wasn’t happening prior to turning the watch on. After a few minutes I could feel pressure going across my transverse colon. This is usually the source of my worst pain when I have flare ups and it was a bit uncomfortable. But then, I felt the pressure shift and was completely relieved. It all happened within about 15 minutes, and it felt so good.

This is definitely a setting I will be running daily. In fact, I have it on now and am experiencing the same feel-good movements happening in my gut. I think I’ll help the process along by making sure I take my enzymes and probiotic today. I’m not always good about that and they too make such a HUGE difference in my gut health journey. (which you can read more on that and why gut health matters HERE).

This watch has been such a blessing in my life; from general achiness to stress relief and immune support, helping my little one fall asleep, I just can’t say enough good things about it. I learned that it works by using frequencies – sounds. The same soundwave technology that is used to blast away kidney stones, only in a much more controlled and calculated method.

You can get a watch for yourself HERE, and you are welcome to use my referral code SAVY100 to get yourself $100 off if you like to save money like me.

If you’d like to see more information, scientific studies, and testimonials on the watch, you can do that HERE or hit the “contact me” button and we can talk about things. I wouldn’t wait long though, these things go out of stock FAST as they are taking the world by STORM.

Don't let IBS slow you down and keep you from enjoying life. Regain control naturally with WavWatch and other tools I share about in my gut health guide. You deserve the Savvy Life.
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Gut Health Matters!

Gut health isn't just another health trend topic that will come and go. Gut health IS THE health topic....and it's probably the missing link you've been longing for. 

I'll explain in a bit, but first, my story and personal journey. Watch the video or keep reading to see if this sounds familiar to you.

I have suffered from chronic constipation my whole life. I never knew it was that. I just knew it was embarrassing and uncomfortable, and I had to strategically plan out my day according to my bathroom needs. Not because I needed to be near a bathroom for a quick elimination problem, but because I knew I would need HOURS to get my business done.

Going #2 in between classes at school was not an option (not enough time). I would end up having to hold it until I got home. By that time I would be so bloated with painful cramps I would be buckled over in pain....but I was good at hiding it because I was too embarrassed to say anything. And if you know anything about elimination habits, you know that the longer you hold it in, the harder it is to go when you finally try to. 

This misfortune followed me through adulthood into the workforce....more embarrassment. 
Another thing I experienced regularly was pain caused by bloat that was so intense I couldn't stand straight. It had me looking 6 months pregnant and curled up in a ball until I found something that helped. Sometimes I could muster myself up to take a hunched over walk (hey, it works for horses). Sometimes I could take some pink stuff, but sometimes the only that worked was to throw in the towel for the day and go to bed. Not too convenient if it was the middle of the day. 

This happened to some degree EVERY. DAY.

I wondered if anyone else had this issue. I wondered if there was something wrong with me. I wondered if I'd ever find relief.

Thank GOD I did find a solution! 

I personally focus on gut health habits EVERY day. It is at the forefront of my food choices and my activities, but now it is in a positive manner, not in a spirit of dread and embarrassment. 
I have learned to love water, which is the first thing people tell you to do right?

(annoying naggy tone) "drink more water"

Like if only it were that simple right? 

But yes, water intake makes a difference, so learn to like it. (I've got tips for that)
(same annoying naggy tone) "you need more fiber"

More eye rolling. Like, "yeah....I get it!"

"Just take a laxative"

Ok, now we're getting into some BAD advice. Let's just NOT. (negative long term side effects)

Why does Gut Health even matter? 

For me, it was affecting my day-to-day quality of life.

The digestive system is at the CORE of your body, and so, at the core of your health. If it's sick, you're sick. 

Healthy elimination habits have a direct effect on your...

Hormones. Used up hormones, particularly estrogens, need to be eliminated swiftly from your body so they don't build up and cause imbalance. When estrogens hang around too long they feed cancer cells, among other things.

Liver Function. The liver empties out into the intestinal tract each night at about 3 a.m. If the intestinal tract is backed up, the liver has no where to go with the sludge it has filtered out of your blood stream. This sludge includes those used up hormones I just mentioned and any other toxins you have consumed and absorbed from your food, water, and environment, as well as general metabolic waste (think car exhaust). As with any clogged sewage system, the backed up mess goes back to where it came from. For us, it means back into the bloodstream. This creates a domino effect of problems like allergies, inflammation, toxicity, etc. 

Skin condition. Most skin issues are actually gut-related issues. If there is inflammation in the gut (or anywhere else in the body), there will be inflammation in the skin at some point. The body needs to flush it out somehow and even though the skin is the last resort, we are typically so backed up with toxins that our skin is the only route left. This creates issues like eczema, psoriasis, and cystic acne.

Sleep. Serotonin effects our sleep. It is used by the brain, but it is made in the gut. If the gut is too filled with decaying fecal matter and trying to manage the problems that that causes, it's not going to be able to give good focus on creating a non-vital hormone like serotonin. It's more worried about getting the rotting garbage out so it doesn't end up in your vital organs to create more damage.
The body also does 80% of it's restorative repair in deep sleep mode. So if you're trying to heal from anything, sleep is imperative.

Stress. Sleep effects our HPA-axis (Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Adrenals) this is our stress response system. When we are not getting good quality of sleep, the body will read this as stress. This will have another cascading domino effect on your overall health, but more specifically it will burn out your adrenals, throw off your menstrual cycles, and mess with your mental clarity.

Mood. Lots of depression conditions are treated with serotonin drugs. See above in sleep. 

Brain Function and Mental Alertness. The skull does this amazing thing at night where the plates contract and sort of "wring out" the brain like a sponge to clean the toxins from it. (remember, toxins can also just be metabolic waste from its normal healthy functioning. like car exhaust). The garbage then gets wrung out into the spinal cord and filtered out through the lymphatic system. This cleansing function can only happen in a deep REM sleep. This is one reason we are in mental fog when we don't get good sleep.

Immune Function. The digestive tract is a LARGE part of our immune system. If it's not functioning well, our immune system is weakened. We don't need any of THAT right now, do we? 


And all of this is directly affected by the state of your digestive system functioning properly. 

What does functioning properly look like?

The perfect bowel movement should be soft, well-formed in one piece, light-to-medium brown in color, and easy to pass. It should take you minutes to poop, not hours. 

If you are not properly and efficiently having perfect bowel movements within 2 hours after every meal, you need to do some work in the area of gut health.

And how LIBERATING it is to poop like this! Yes, I just said that and it's TRUTH. (If you know, you know.) 

Sitting down and getting my business done in the time it takes me to even just pee is something I thought I would never experience. And did you know....having a "good poop" releases happy endorphins too? That's why we feel so GOOD when it's done!  #doublewin :-)

My journey with healthy gut habits is about 10 years strong now. If you want to know how I do it, I'll show you! Just grab my Gut Health Guide HERE and be on your way!

When I think back on how much of my time... my life, was wasted sitting on a toilet, it makes me sad and mad and robbed. I'll never get that time back. If only I had known then what I know now, how much different would things have been for me? 

I don't want that for anyone else.

So girl.... I got you! All you have to do is ask! 

OR grab my free Gut Health Guide.

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Seasonal Allergy Support That Won't Mess Up Your Charting

Seasonal Allergy Support That Won't Mess Up Your Charting
It’s that time of year again when nearly 8% of Americans suffer from seasonal allergies.

But, did you know that typical anti-histamine and decongestants used for allergy relief have the potential to alter your cervical mucus sign? (study)

Makes sense when you think of the functionality of things. Mucus cells are mucus cells whether they are in your nose or in your vagina. Allergy meds are designed to sooth the runny nose by drying up the mucus or thinning it for more efficient drainage, why wouldn't it effect "down there" too? 

But fear not! Your trusted instructor has some tips to guide you. :)

First I need to point out there has been no documented CURE for allergies, only symptoms support, and of course, that I am not a doctor and you should seek care from one as necessary. This info is for the sole purposes of educating you and is not medical advice.

Now that we got that out of the way and we're best friends, let's talk about why you're reading this.

Natural ways to find relief that won't mess with your chart.

First, a combo of essential oils that is a favorite among essential oil lovers. Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint. It is known as the “LLP Bomb”.

You can diffuse this combo, make a roller of it and apply to chest and sinuses, or put it in a capsule to take internally. 

Let’s break down the function of the oils shall we?
Lavender has been shown in studies to be a natural histamine inhibitor. 
Lemon and other citrus oils have been shown to liquefy and thin mucus to support drainage.  
Peppermint has been shown to relax smooth muscle tissue, which results in opening of airways and relaxes a heavy chest. 

If more inflammatory support is needed adding Copaiba to this combination is a great idea!

Internal Support!
Did you know allergies are not a normal response in a healthy human? While there are a wide array of causes to allergies like vaccinations and environmental exposures, many of the root causes for people are simply lack of enzymes, vitamins, and/or minerals. Since these are things we CAN control…let’s talk about them.

Dr. LeAnne and David Deardeuff observed that 90% of their patients relieved their allergy symptoms by doing their liver cleanse protocol. 

Many allergy sufferers report a significant difference in the severity of their symptoms after including Sulfurzyme™ into their daily routine. This is a good idea anyway, you can check out why here. But the relief in allergy symptoms is likely due to the anti-inflammatory effects of MSM and Ningxia Wolfberry, which are the main ingredients in Sulfurzyme™. Turbo charge this with this Red Drink Recipe, and you’ve got a great tasting way to support your whole body health AND find relief from those sniffles.

Enzymes. The link to supplementing enzymes for allergy relief comes from gut health and healing leaky gut. Leaky gut is well-known to be the root cause of many allergies. So logically, a focus on gut health would be beneficial to the seasonal allergy sufferer. I have an entire blog or video on what I’ve done to improve gut health. I’ve also got an entire program focused on gut health if you’re really serious about healing the core of your entire health foundation.

But a simple place to start with would just be including Allerzyme™ to your routine. The capsules are really small, and if you are unable to swallow capsules you can break them open and mix it in a smoothie or yogurt or a spoonful of raw honey.

You can grab all of these supplies HERE

Did you know that you can also reduce allergy symptoms over time by reducing toxin exposure from cleaners, personal care products, cosmetics and skincare, anything with fragrance, processed foods, etc? 

That's what we are all about over in the Swap It Savvy Community FB group or Swap It Savvy on Instagram, so pop into those if you'd like and good luck navigating this allergy season! I am always here if you need some guidance.  
Best Wishes,

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18 Reasons You Should do a 5-Day Sugar Detox

The holiday season is officially over, and while it was fun to indulge in all that delicious food, your body is probably begging for some TLC. Enter, sugar detox. A sugar detox can help you kickstart a healthier lifestyle and give your body a break from all of the processed foods and excess sugar consumed during the holidays. Let’s explore why a sugar detox might be just what you need this winter.
1.  Sugar is addictive
Sugar is a substance that is highly addictive, and many people find it difficult to cut back on their intake once they have started consuming it regularly. A sugar detox can help to break this cycle of addiction and allow you to reduce your sugar intake and feel in control again.

2.  Cut Cravings
One of the primary benefits of a sugar detox is that it helps to cut cravings. When you feed your body good things, it stops asking for the quick energy rush of sugar.

3.  Helps to reset your taste buds
Sugar is added to so many foods these days that it can be hard to avoid. A sugar detox can help to reset your taste buds and break your sugar addiction.

4.  Reduces Inflammation
Sugar is a pro-inflammatory food, meaning it can contribute to inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation has been linked to a variety of health problems, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease. A sugar detox can help to reduce inflammation by eliminating sugary foods from your diet.

5.  Improves Gut Health
A sugar detox can also help to improve gut health. The gut is home to trillions of bacteria, many of which are beneficial for our health. However, eating too much sugar can upset the delicate balance of the gut microbiome and lead to problems such as yeast overgrowth, diarrhea, constipation, and bloating. A sugar detox can help to restore balance to the gut microbiome and improve gut health.

 6.  Boosts Energy Levels
A sugar detox can also help to boost energy levels. Many people find that they have more energy when they cut sugar out of their diet. This is because sugar causes spikes in blood sugar levels, which can lead to feelings of fatigue and low energy. Cutting out sugar can help to stabilize blood sugar levels and improve energy levels.

7.  Clear Skin
Sugar causes inflammation and can trigger hormonal imbalances, both of which can contribute to the development of acne. Sugar consumption has been linked to acne breakouts, as well as other skin problems such as wrinkles and dullness. A sugar detox can help to improve skin health by eliminating sugary foods from your diet

8.  Improves skin health
Too much sugar can cause glycation, a process in which sugars attach to proteins and cause them to become stiff and misshapen. This can lead to wrinkles and other signs of premature aging. Cutting sugar out of your diet can help to improve your skin health.

9.  Promotes weight loss
When it comes to weight loss, reducing added sugar intake is one of the most effective strategies there is. Research has shown that cutting down on sugar can help support weight loss efforts by decreasing calorie consumption and reducing cravings for unhealthy snacks and desserts. Doing a sugar detox can help give your metabolism a boost and allow you to get back on track with healthy eating habits quickly and easily.
10.  Boosts energy levels
Sugar may give you a temporary energy boost, but it can also lead to crashes later on. If you're looking for sustained energy, ditching sugar is a good place to start.
11.  Reduces risk of heart disease
Eating too much sugar can increase your risk of developing heart disease. A sugar detox can help to reduce your risk by reducing the amount of sugar in your diet.
12.  Lowers blood pressure
High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and other serious health problems. Cutting sugar out of your diet can help to lower your blood pressure and improve your overall health.

13.  Improves cholesterol levels
Eating too much sugar can raise your LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and decrease your HDL (good) cholesterol levels. A sugar detox can help to improve your cholesterol levels by reducing the amount of sugar in your diet

14.  Sugar can damage the liver
Too much sugar can damage the liver, leading to a condition called fatty liver disease. Fatty liver disease is a serious condition that can lead to cirrhosis, liver failure, and even death.

15.  Sugar can cause diabetes
Eating too much sugar can lead to type 2 diabetes, a condition that occurs when the body cannot properly metabolize sugar. Type 2 diabetes can cause a variety of health problems, including heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure.

16.  Sugar can cause cavities
Sugar is one of the main culprits behind cavities and tooth decay. When sugar comes into contact with bacteria in the mouth, it creates acid that attacks tooth enamel. Over time, this acid can break down teeth and lead to cavities.
17.  Sugar can aggravate anxiety and depression
Sugar has been shown to aggravate anxiety and depression by causing fluctuations in blood sugar levels. These fluctuations can lead to mood swings, irritability, and feelings of lethargy or fatigue.

18. Get Better Quality Sleep
The quality of your sleep can have a huge impact on how productive you are during the day—and if you’re eating too much sugary food before bedtime, it could be affecting how well you sleep at night! A regular intake of added sugars can cause disruptions in REM sleep patterns which leaves us feeling tired even after getting plenty of hours of rest! By reducing our added-sugars intake we can ensure our bodies are getting into deeper stages of restorative sleep where we feel properly rested when we wake up in the morning!
Taking a post-holiday sugar detox is a great way to reset your body after overindulging during the holidays. Not only will it help reduce bloating and fatigue, but it can also reset cravings, promote better gut health and get you started on the right track for your weight loss goals. So if you're looking for an easy way to start off 2023 right, then consider doing a sugar detox today!

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Paleo Almond Balls

Paleo Almond Balls
In the journey to maintain a healthy lifestyle for both me and my family, I share how substituting traditional desserts with healthier options can significantly affect one's well-being. Through my own personal struggle with gut issues, I have discovered recipes like these delightful Almond Balls, which not only cater to dietary preferences like gluten-free, dairy-free, and sugar-free but also prove that healthy eating doesn't have to compromise on taste. These Almond Balls are a testament to dessert recipes that are not only nutritious but also delicious, fitting into a variety of diets including Paleo and vegan.

The recipe provided for Almond Balls is simple and made with ingredients like almond flour, coconut oil, and vanilla extract for the filling, and cocoa nibs or chocolate chips for the chocolate coating. This dessert option showcases that satisfying a sweet tooth can still align with healthy eating habits. The suggestion to add natural sweeteners for those who prefer a sweeter taste, maintaining the dessert's health benefits, reflects a flexible approach to health-conscious desserts.

Furthermore, I highlight the positive impacts of participating in an 11-Day Jumpstart, emphasizing how it has revolutionized my health by reducing inflammation, increasing energy levels, and aiding in weight loss. This experience, along with the success of incorporating healthy desserts into my family's diet, encapsulates the broader message of making health-focused changes that are both achievable and enjoyable. The encouragement to join the Swap It Savvy community extends an invitation to others seeking a supportive environment for making healthier lifestyle choices.

Got Period Problems?

Got Period Problems?
Got period problems?

Chronic inflammation could be the main reason for your period problems…or any cycle-related fertility issues you’re experiencing.

Inflammation distorts hormonal communication. If you’ve taken my cycle tracking course you know there is a delicate communication process between the hypothalamus, pituitary, ovaries, and cervix that needs to go smoothly for successful ovulation…..which equals happy periods and regular cycles.

Chronic inflammation blocks hormone receptors; these are the holes in the cell that accept the proper molecules of nutrients like a key in a lock. If the receptor for estrogen or progesterone, or whatever, is blocked, the hormone cannot enter the cell and do its job. It is then left wandering in the blood stream where the hypothalamus will read its presence and not call for more, yet the cell never got it, so it will ask for more and be denied, and now we have a hormonal mess.

Chronic inflammation impairs estrogen metabolism….how estrogen is created, used, and eliminated. We need this process to go smoothly so we have estrogen available when we need it (for ovulation) and the used up estrogen is eliminated properly to keep the hormonal harmony on point. Cancer cells feed on estrogen, so we don’t want that stuff just hanging out willy nilly…ya know what I mean?

 Chronic inflammation prevents ovulation which prevents the production of progesterone, which can cause a host of issues such as heavy periods, infertility, miscarriage, depression, low libido, etc. It is our happy hormone.  And when we are low in progesterone, we get into a state of estrogen dominance which leads to even more disaster such as acne, weight gain, irritability, mid-cycle bleeding, etc.  

Your body sees inflammation as a stressor, and when stress is present, your cycles go wonky.

How do you know if you have chronic inflammation?
Look for signs such as headaches, joint pain and body aches, fatigue, brain fog, chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and acne.

Chronic inflammation is something that occurs just by the body living….like car exhaust happens just from the motor running. It could also be the result of…
  • Stress - cortisol and adrenaline leave behind lots of car exhaust.
  • Insulin resistance - which we all have a degree of just by the way most of us eat. If you’re not actively aware of your blood sugar levels and your carb/sugar intake, you’re creating a lot of extra inflammation from the roller coastering blood glucose levels and insulin throughout your day.
  • Infection - It is normal and necessary to have an inflammatory response to an acute’s how the body heals, right? But, if you’ve got chronic infections happening, you’ve got a lot more chronic inflammation happening too. You’ll need more help clearing that out.
  • Environmental toxins - not just a factor for those who work in high fumes or hazardous work zones. The air quality in the average home is 7 times worse than the average factory or workplace air. This is due to the obscene amounts of fragrant products we use such as scented candles and sprays, perfumes, laundry products, soaps, lotions, face creams, hair products, cleaners, etc. The list is pretty long. Take inventory of how many products you have in your home that contain fragrance in them and you have a definitive source of inflammation.
  • Digestive problems - the gut is the core or hub of the body. If it’s sick, so is the rest of you. Most everyone has leaky gut issues and/or inefficient elimination…aka constipation for those who won’t acknowledge they are indeed constipated….. to some extent. Every single diagnoses involving the gut is leaking toxins into the bloodstream creating a nonstop inflammatory response that will manifest into countless other symptoms such as skin issues, cycle problems, heart issues, arthritis issues, literally EV…ER…Y….THIIIING you go see a doctor for.
Are you surprised by any of these? Tell me if you’re surprised!  

So what do we do?
Your strategy is to address the underlying cause of all your problems….chronic inflammation, and teach your body how to flush it out on a regular basis…without pharmaceutical drugs.

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Hormone Balancing Power of the Sweet Potato

Hormone Balancing Power of the Sweet Potato
So, ever since I started doing 11 Day Jumpstarts , an 11-day protocol that trains the body to flush inflammation, leaving you feeling energized and amazing while weight falls off, I’ve been turned on to sweet potatoes. Pretty sure they are my new favorite food.

And then I discovered why my body craves them so much this week. Wanna know? Read the Blog.

I'll give you a has to do with my cycle. 

Discover the Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes | Busy Women's Wellness

Discover the Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes

An insightful exploration of the amazing health benefits of sweet potatoes and why they're essential for busy women seeking sustainable energy and wellness.

Lower Glycemic Response

Sweet potatoes offer a lower glycemic response compared to regular potatoes, making them ideal for maintaining steady blood glucose levels and sustainable energy throughout the day.

Join our community for more savvy life hacks and wellness wisdom!

How do I know if my lymphatic system is clogged...and how to fix it.

How do I know if my lymphatic system is clogged...and how to fix it.
Could a congested lymphatic system be contributing to your health problems?

Probably. But, read on to see for yourself. 

Your lymphatic system is like the underground sewage system that collects everything that the skin absorbs and sends it into the bloodstream where it eventually ends up in the liver. The lymphatic system also sweeps up any metabolic waste, dead cells, and excess fluid from your organs.

If the lymphatic system is clogged, then the organs and parts of the body that normally dump their waste into it become backed up too. I.e. Your gut and liver.

When working correctly, the lymphatic system directs white blood cells to germs and other invaders to help you fight off infection. When it is congested it has the opposite effect, sending the viruses and bacteria into the blood stream and putting you at greater risk for infection.

There are several tell tale signs that lymphatic fluid is not moving effectively and that toxins are building up in your body:
Cycle-related complaints• Swelling in your fingers/rings fitting more tightly
Brain fog
Digestive issues
Sinus infections
Skin problems/dry and or itchy skin
Enlarged lymph nodes
Chronic fatigue
Feeling sore or stiff when you wake up in the morning
 Unexplained injuries
Excess weight
Cold hands and feet
Worsened allergies
Food sensitivities
Increased colds and flu
How many of these signs can you relate to? See why it is important to cleanse?!

I’m doing this challenge starting May 15th for myself to see if I can remedy my underarm odor and improve gut health, among other things listed above.  Wanna join me?

We have an incredible group for all the details led by a friend that’s an RN and literally an expert on all things lymphatic system. There will be videos and posts with exactly what to do. We will hold your hand through the whole process.

The results from this challenge never cease to amaze me!

Get in on the greatness HERE.

For more health tips check out my Swap It Savvy community where we take a “use-this-not-that” approach to making healthier choices for our family so we can feel good and live life to the fullest and help others do the same.
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How to Drink More Water: without having to pee constantly or feel water logged

How to Drink More Water: without having to pee constantly or feel water logged
Hydration is a key component of our health and well-being, impacting everything from our physical condition to our mental state. Recognizing that each body has unique needs, it's vital to understand how much water you should be consuming daily, which can vary based on individual factors such as activity level and overall health. Adding dietary supplements approved for hydration, like certain essential oils or antioxidant juices, can enhance the taste of water and contribute positively to our hydration goals, making the experience enjoyable and refreshing.

To ensure that our bodies effectively use the water we consume, adding minerals and electrolytes can be a game-changer, especially for those who feel thirsty even after drinking ample amounts of water. These hydration enhancers play a crucial role in cellular nourishment and preventing the overwhelming of our systems, by guiding water to where it's most needed. Opting for clean, quality products without artificial additives is crucial for achieving deep and lasting hydration, with recommended options like vitality drops and ionized mineral supplements that can be mixed with antioxidant-rich juices.

Moreover, addressing concerns like frequent trips to the bathroom post-hydration, suggests looking into our digestive health as a potential underlying issue. A gentle colon scrub, as opposed to harsh cleanses, can significantly improve our body's water absorption efficiency. This holistic approach to hydration emphasizes the importance of listening to our bodies and making adjustments that go beyond just increasing water intake, ensuring that our hydration efforts are truly beneficial and support our overall health and well-being.

How to lower Testosterone levels for Women

How to lower Testosterone levels for Women
High testosterone levels in women can cause problematic symptoms. Learn how you can lower your testosterone naturally and help restore balance to your hormones.

High testosterone levels in women can wreak havoc on both physical and emotional well-being. While it's important to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan, there are simple natural lifestyle adjustments that can support hormonal balance. In this blog, we will explore ways to lower and support healthy testosterone levels for women, naturally.

Symptoms of high testosterone in women can include any of the following:
  • Darker, thicker facial hair
  • acne
  • irregular menstrual cycles
  • hair loss 
Some of the causes of higher-than-normal testosterone levels in women could include ovarian cysts, PCOS, hormonal contraception, or hormonal replacement therapy drugs.

Natural ways to lower testosterone and keep hormones balanced.
Hormonal balance relies heavily on a few common health practices.

1. Keeping the 3 main pathways of elimination open with a focus on gut health, liver cleansing, and lymphatic care. Part of this process is reducing your exposure to everyday toxins such as fragrance, household cleaners, pthalates, parabens, etc. to stop gumming up those pathways with junk we can avoid, so they can freely clear out the junk we can’t avoid. Check out some of my natural cleaning tips HERE.

2. Supporting the body with good whole food nutrition so it has the tools it needs to make the repairs and run the body as it was designed to run. Your car can’t run with dirty oil and watered-down gas, and your body won’t run smoothly with processed garbage, caffeine, and soft drinks. Keep reading for some testosterone-lowering go-to's.

3. Healthy physical activity to keep things flowing. Our blood flow has a pump (the heart) to move it along, but lymph does not. Lymph is like the underground sewage system that filters everything our skin comes into contact with, and it needs motion to move it on out. Furthermore, a sedentary lifestyle allows opportunity for fat cells to form. Fat cells get in the way of a happy hormonal balance in many ways, and it's a real drag to carry around. Go for a walk! 

The below protocol addresses all of this.

FemiGen™ is a women’s balancing supplement that is my go-to for every female problem because I see the most results with it for cycle-related problems in my clients and family. I use this one myself daily, and regret it when I don’t. One of the main active ingredients is Licorice root which has shown in studies to reduce testosterone levels in women by 32% after one menstrual cycle, and men showed a decrease of 26% in just one week.

Omega Greens™ is another hormonal balancing staple. We need omegas to use the hormones properly. I find using Omega Greens™ further enhances my results with FemiGen™ when taken together. Studies have linked omega-3 fatty acids to decreasing testosterone.

Spearmint Essential oil when given to rats for 20 days resulted in reduced testosterone levels. I would add a drop of spearmint essential oil that is approved for internal use such as THIS ONE, to a 2-oz shot of this antioxidant-rich health juice called, Ningxia Red™. Ningxia Red™ is a superfood drink that flushes inflammation from the body, supports liver and kidney cleansing, and has the nutritional profile like none other for a whole-body health infusion. It is a daily staple to our health routine.

ICP™ to support colon clearing. It also has plant compounds that bind to testosterone to carry it out of the body and omega-3 fatty acids for the benefits listed above. If you want to supercharge the benefits of a clean colon, check out this article HERE

Walnuts and Almonds increase a protein that binds to testosterone, leading to a decrease in levels of free testosterone in the body. 
Flax seed can be added to almost anything including salads, smoothies, and oatmeal.

The WAVwatch, a sound wave therapy device that is a cutting-edge frequency healing technique that offers personalized healing sessions, targeting specific areas of the body and mind for optimal results, wherever and whenever you need. It uses specific sounds to assist the body in the re-tuning and re-alignment of bodily energy. It is the same technique doctors use in blasting kidney stones and some resonance imaging, only the WAVwatch uses specific frequencies to address specific issues. This personalized approach allows users to address their unique needs and experience the full benefits of sound healing in the convenience of a watchSet the watch to the hormone balancing soundtracks, sit back and relax. It comes with a 14-day money back guarantee to allow users to try it out risk free, but I assure you, you won’t want to give it up once you experience it. I have seen this watch work wonders in my own family and the many friends and clients I have shared it with. Use promo code SAVY100 to get $100 off. Check out more info, science and testimonies HERE

Remember, while high testosterone levels can be problematic, it's entirely possible to restore balance naturally. With a holistic approach and incorporating natural remedies with a few lifestyle adjustments, you can easily support your journey towards hormonal balance. Embrace the power of an integrative approach and unlock the path to wellness by grabbing all the nutritional tools HERE, so you can make this your healthiest year yet.  Oh and use promo code SHAREYL for 10% off your purchase. 

Be well friend! 


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The Health Crisis That is Effecting Everyone, But No One is Talking About

Did you know there is a health crisis in our world caused by these microscopic organisms that are often overlooked by doctors, yet they can lead to auto-immune diseases, cancer, mental health problems, and more. Research suggests that one in three people may be infected. They cause inflammation and steal nutrients from your body. From weight gain to irregular sleeping patterns to mood changes, these little nasties can wreak havoc on your health. If you want to safely eliminate parasites from your body, there is a free program available to guide you through the process. Just join the Swap It Savvy group and say, "I want parasites GONE!" Let's get rid of these creepy crawlies and restore our health!